To ignite an unquenchable movement restoring all men and women back to the image of their Creator God.
Our Mission
We hear a sea of voices screaming for acceptance, but in their pain failing to see their need of intimacy with God that alone can bring true belonging. ‘Coming Out’ Ministries meets this crisis by sharing their personal journeys, compassion, and the truth of God to bring restoration and liberty to those struggling with sexuality, identity, or brokenness.
DVD Available &
Free Digital Download
Society today places much emphasis on “sexual identity”, resulting in controversy and confusion. Should we not consider our Creator’s view on this issue?
“Journey Interrupted” is a documentary that shares the journeys of five individuals as they have struggled to come to grips with their own “sexual identities” in light of God’s expressed will. Get this gripping, compassionate film and find that “you matter, you belong, and you are loved.”
In the summer of 2010 several individuals with LGBT pasts and working in ministry
came together to meet and explore the possibility of uniting in ministry. We each had
found grace, freedom and joy as we trusted God to bring us into conformity with His will
rather than our own. Discovering we were of one mind and purpose, united in faith,
doctrine, and spirit, ‘Coming Out’ Ministries was born.
We soon came to realize that as a team we were able to accomplish more to the glory of
God and to the benefit of others than working individually, as the Lord has taken us
around the world to inspire, to enlighten, and to equip for redemptive service to those
struggling with sin and addictive behaviors in general and the LGBT issue in particular.
'Coming Out' Ministries believes that Christ works to restore all men and women to His
original plan for their lives -- to the image of their Creator God. We pray that whatever
your struggle is today, that you, too, will find hope, healing and joy, as you trust Him
with all your challenges and concerns. If you need and desire our assistance, we are here
for you.
‘Coming Out’ Ministries presents seminars addressing the LGBT issue in particular and the sin issue in general. Our approach is threefold: to consider the clear word of God as foundational, the word of our personal testimonies as inspirational, and the word of true science and research as instructional. Plan an event with us today and prepare to be Inspired, Enlightened, & Equipped!
Our senior speakers, Ron Woolsey and Michael Carducci are available for your event. We believe that multiple voices lend strength to the message and we suggest involving two or more speakers when possible. Please plan to allow 6-12 months in advance for booking whenever possible.
Check out our Team page for more information on our speakers or visit the Resource page to hear some of our presentations. See our Contact page to submit your request for a booking or to request a copy of the Fee Schedule.